Well it's all happening at 898. Hoping that you will all be able to drop by and have a look at the new work. Some smaller works which are a little poignant, evocative and loose. I quite like them which is nice. There will also be some newer larger works which are a mixed collection as I range form my conceptual explorations of being and states of mind, such as 'Endless Possibilities' and 'The Anonymous Astrologer' to my current preoccupation with boats, oceans and fish. What can this all means I wonder. Often I can only work this out retrospectively. Some of these are 'Waiting for Seamail' and "When is a Fish not like it's Mother' This came about from a dream I had about 20 years ago when I have the opportunity to meet the man who knows the answer to everything. I probably should explain this in greater depth but to read this you'll need to visit on Saturday 8th Oct.