Here we are, half way though the year. In six months time we'll be able to look back with 20/20 vision and maybe then we can make more sense of what the hell just happened! It was like the Big Bang. A new universe was instantly created out of nothing. From a microscopic atom with deadly potential to protests on a world scale. From enforced isolation that brought economies to their knees to gathering of crowds to protest injustice, that brought people to their knees.
This is what I was thinking about when I was painting this work. I painted "An Upside Down Year," to express my response to that rippling effect because so much changed in such a short period of time. This has been a year of great turmoil. So many are vulnerable, succumbing to a disease that ravages by deleting our breath. His chest lies exposed. In trying to protect us, we were enforced into isolation, leaving many feeling lonely. The woman gazes towards an uncertain future. I am indebted to the dedication of medical practitioners, who despite extraordinary odds, showed great leadership. The powerful bird reminds us that we must be vigilant. The boy, plants a seed of hope, surrounded by poppies. We remember those who have died and the life that will be ongoing.
I am very honoured to have had this work accepted as a Finalist into the Du Rietz Art Award which will be held at the Gympie Regional Art Awards from 5th August.
My exhibition, "Up In Smoke", was postponed, now it will open in August but the momentum was lost. I was home alone, and I really felt the effects of the social distancing and all the 'life' of the community; shops, events, cafes, beaches, cinema sucked up and packed away.

"A Wrapped Playground". Looking suspiciously like a sculpture that would look perfect in a high end gallery. No children allowed.