A wonderful way to bring yet another tumultuous and uncertain year to an end. I was quite honoured to be a Finalist in the prestigious Lyn McRea Drawing Prize 2021. It is being exhibited now at the Noosa Regional Gallery until 5th Dec. I entered a work entitled "Burden'. A small work, ink and charcoal on paper is expressionist and intimate. We all carry the weight o4f something and sometimes it can feel like we can't shake it off. Is it a memory, a loss, a desire. I explore the aspects of ourselves that many try to hide. Hence her shrouded face.

The Noosa Open Studio is over for another year. What a whirlwind that was! Thank you all for making the trip to drop in to the studio. I couldn't leave my Dragonfly studio during the days I allocated to be there, so there were a few studios and friends who were also studio bound that I didn't manage to visit unfortunately. But the after party was a lot of fun and everyone was in great spirits.
Create a Self Portrait Workshop at Wallace House. Art After Dark
I was invited to host a workshop at Wallace House as part of their Art After Dark program. I thought it would be interesting to have the attendees create a self portrait. I didn't realise until I met them however, that very few of them had done portraits before. So it was a bit of a challenge to try and share the basics of drawing a face and then asking them to see themselves from the inside out, as there were no mirrors or photographs to copy from. But they were very open to trying and after 3 hours of talking and painting, the results were amazing. Each one was quite individual and in many ways very recognisable. A very successful workshop.

HOLA Art Hotel in Eumundi
The surprise to walk into this fabulously styled room in the new HOLA (Hotel of Local Art) that is opening in Eumundi and find a room with two of my works hanging was so unexpected. The works, "Blue Kiss" and 'The Calling" looked amazing. I had a chance to see all the rooms in the hotel and they are all magnificent. All have work by local artists and the styling of the rooms are second to none. I thought I had travelled to a distant shore. I can but dream.
What we all seek ultimately is peace. Peace within our tumultuous minds, peace around us, a family cohesive and supportive, a community accepting of individuality but connected, and to live within countries that don't arbitrarily shoot or harass their citizens for the unfathomable crime of just thinking differently. I longed for peace and I found it in this beautiful place. And now I feel slightly at odds. The integrity of self has always been a driving force within me, so can I now speak of the tension and conflict and disadvantage of others when it is not my experience. I can speak about it, object, protest but I don't want to be disingenuous either. My work has and continues to though, explore that drive for peace. Peace is what people fight for, die for, long for. What does this mean? There is always this paradox then. The inner conflict where battles rage and harmony is sought.

My Wall Becomes Me, Oil on Canvas, 100 x 100cm
When one is in the flight path of a Rainbow Lorikeet.
Amazing photos of the lorikeet. Congratulations on the drawing prize and I loved the decor of your paintings in the hotel. Also you look stunning. Must stay there so we can enjoy your fascinating paintings in person.