Happy to be exhibiting at the wonderful Butter Factory Art Centre, Cooroy with the rest of the artists included in this years Eclectica Show. Over 110 artists, are exhibiting. There are so many artists living in this part of Australia. Makes for a great vibe.
I have been invited to exhibit with the Art Lovers Australia Gallery. A most welcome opportunity. It appears one of my works, probably 'It's The Thought That Counts' will be exhibited in their Gold Coast Gallery next year too.

The Old Man and the Sea

. My Dad reflected on the edge of the Shores. Seeing an image that can convey an idea. Rather poignant.
Another painting underwent an unexpected transformation. I had made a drawing called the Papoose and then a painting, The Red Papoose. I chose to paint over Breaking The Ice. I felt it was an image that would be too unsettling and changed it to one where love and serenity were the theme instead.

Counting My Lucky Stars, is a recent work. It is a quiet piece. The cooler colours are balanced by the warm yellow and red ladder that draws the eye back up to the platform where the person lies, suspended above the richly layered landscape below. Is it land or sea? The numbers cascade from her hand, as she counts the stars in the milky way above. It hangs above my TV now, so I get to enjoy it every evening. It's a good sign when a painting just makes itself at home.

My Mum turned 82. So I went up to visit and share her birthday. A visit to the shores is also a most welcome time out. One evening I was invited aboard a catamaran! And it was a lovely evening, sipping wine with friends as the sunset.

One of my favourite things is making sand sculptures. I made Sleeping Soundly one morning.

Back in the studio, I am painting a couple of works in response to the call out for work by the Noosa Regional Gallery. The theme is Noosa and the Sum of Its Parts. A recognition of its amazing natural beauty. I started with a work that is interpretive and abstracted. I depict the journey I take from home to Main Beach where I go some mornings to enjoy a swim. The roundabouts are an integral aspect of Noosa. When seen from above, it can resemble the manner of painting tracks and places from an Indigenous' perspective. The tracks the European settlers, of which I am one, built to navigate this township, are unique to Australian urban development, because of the roundabouts. There is an overlap how people move through a landscape then, and so the tracks are painted a more fleshy tone to represent the recent arrivals. It was tricky when I first arrived, remembering how to get to places. The roads are 'anonymous', lacking signage and the surrounding bush resplendent, abundant. The other painting 'Early Morning Swim at Main Beach', is a more traditional view of depicting landscapes. I incorporated the use of light from William Turner and the viscosity of the water from Gerhardt Richter. I learned as I painted.
